Dalam kesunyian dan gelap…

Dalam kesunyian dan gelap…Image

Dalam tangis dan haru, rindu dalam kalbu, dan debu-debu berderu tanpa ragu, isi hatiku menguraskan sejenak emosi dalam hamparan kosong. Salah ketika benar menjadi ragu, dan benar ketika salah mendengarkan ego yang bergemuruh.  Hanya isi hati yang kosong kemudian menapak ragu, hanya asap rokok yang terbang bercampur dengan udara haru. Pagi tak lagi dingin dan siang tak lagi sejuk, semua bercampur dengan emosi dan keraguan.

Ketika telinga berbicara dan mulut mendengar, lalu tangan terdiam dan hati terus berbisik. Berisiklah kemudian semuanya. Mentari tak lagi tersenyum dan bulan pun tak lagi menggoda untuk dilihat. Bintang enggan berkedip dan embun tak lagi muncul. Elegi hati yang berhenti bergumam, persetan dengan pikiran yang terus bergerak dan memberikan isyarat. Hati adalah aku, aku hidup dengan hati dan hati menghidupiku, setiap langkah dan senyuman.

Skeptis dan apatis, semuanya negatif, apalagi pesimis. Percaya pada sesuatu dan ragu pada sesuatu dalam satu pandangan mata dan qolbu. Meraba dan meresapi setiap langkah yang berjalan mundur kemudian maju dan kemudian berhenti di tengah-tengah.  Pahitnya kopi malam ini.

Menjadi bittersweet itu sulit apalagi menjadi manis sekali. Manusia itu sempurna kata Sang Pencipta. Benarkah demikian? Manusia satu dan lain saling berpandangan menatap curiga dan saling membaca. Dan kemudian tidak ada kesempurnaan sama sekali. Kembali kopi dengan lemak jenuh yang mengenakkan tapi rasanya menipu. Hidup ini seolah tidak ada rasa pahit ketika nyatanya pahit tidak lagi di lidah tapi di hati. Tidak lagi di kerongkongan tapi di dalam pikiran. Hitam dan pahit.

Lidah yang paling jujur ketimbang hati, udel yang paling diam ketimbang mata, mulut dan hidung. Sampah saja tak lagi bau busuk, sampah pun bisa tersenyum lebar ketika semakin banyak sampah dijalan. Wangi itu candu dan candu itu buruk. Wangi itu sombong dan wangi itu hanyalah bagian yang tak tercium lidah. belajar jujur dari lidah kau hati yang membusuk.

Analogikan saja ketika batu saling bertemu dan berbicara soal hati, realitanya hanya air yang tenang yang bisa mengusik hati si batu. Lembut menggores batu, indah dan alami. Dengan tempo yang berirama, dan kadang sangat jelek nadanya. Tak peduli itu ceritanya dan bagaimana batu bisa berpindah-pindah dan membuat wajah yang berupa.

Muak dan gemetar, tak ada lagi semangat..semuanya dilakukan hanya demi memuaskan lidah dan lambung. Hampir habis egoku dan hampir abis sabarku, hampir mati rasaku dan hampir rusak sarafku.  Aku hampir tak merasakan pilu, hanya seperti obat bius yang kapanpun datang dan kemudian hilang begitu saja. Mati rasa saja, tidak membekas. Keras seperti batu, lagi-lagi hanya air yang bisa berbicara pada batu, atau besi yang sangat keras yang bisa menghukum batu.

Entah apapun itu si hati dan lidah berusaha saling mengajari apa itu kejujuran dan apa itu sebuah konsistensi rasa, bolehlah sedikit nikotin dan cafeine berirama dalam nada-nada jelek yang hamba ciptakan karena hanya sampah yang wangi semerbak dan hanya bunga yang berbau busuk. Biarkan air menetes dari mata dan biarkan pucat menapaki wajah. Paniklah tulang yang dalam tubuh ini seolah ingin lepas dari elegi hati yang tak menentu. Tidurlah mulut dan kuping karena kepala ini terasa penuh, maafkan sistem format data hanya bisa diberikan oleh Tuan yang Mulia, sisanya tak punya kuasa atau malah berdosa..kami tak sedang membicarakan pembunuhan atau pengejawantahan atas kesedihan namun inilah apatisme yang akan selalu ada dalam lidah, maaf hati belum bisa merasakan asin dan manis baru pahitnya saja. Senyumlah kau cantik dan lidah berjanji akan memberikan kejujuran pada hati seutuhnya. Demi sebuah arti kata bahagia. Walau terkadang lupa…


UNBOXING : NOUVA SIMONELLI MusicaLux (Single group CoffeeMachine)

UNBOXING NOUVA SIMONELLI MusicaLux (Single group CoffeeMachine) @ Pam’s Cafe (ex.I-Cafe) Sagan Yogyakarta.

UNBOXING : NOUVA SIMONELLI MusicaLux (Single group CoffeeMachine)


History of the emergence and existence of Guy Fawkes Mask

Cultural artifacts
History of the emergence and existence of Guy Fawkes Mask


I. Guy Fawkes

Guy Fawkes , also known in Spain and Italy under the pseudonym Guido Fawkes is not an artist or even a world -famous explorer . Guy Fawkes was the rebel in the era of the British Empire 1600’an . He was a Roman Catholic , at which time the United Kingdom is a country that is monopolized by the British Empire into Protestant countries . Religious conflict is very obvious at the time, even in the era of Queen Elizabeth 1 ruling , the Catholic priest who was given the death penalty and Catholic faiths are asked out of Great Britain or Catholic adherents shall attend Protestant service if not expelled and punished by the British Government .

Guy Fawkes was born in Yorkshire , England in April 1570 . He was born on the family Kataolik – Protestant , Catholic grandfather was a rebel . Mom and Dad are Protestants Guy bladder , but at the age of 8 years old Guy ‘s father died and his mother married a Catholic man . Strong influence of the Catholic stepfather Guy that makes him so radical as a Catholic . Guy Fawkes is known as a great military man , at which time he was a leader of warriors at Catholic Spain against Protestant Dutch . In fact, he has close to King Philip III of Spain , he had asked King Phillip III to petition against England under King James I The Power of the Son of Queen Elizabeth I , King Phillip But I refused because at that Spain and England were not reconciled .


II . Gunpowder Plot and Guy Fawkes Mask

This is the forerunner to the history of Guy Fawkes mask appears . Guy is disappointed with the decision of King Phillip III then asked to go to the Gunpowder plot led by Robert Casteby . Guy Fawkes has expertise in making bombs , he bombs in charge of building and operating the plan destroy the Gunpowder plot of King James I , the House of Lords and House of Commons UK . But the plan failed uprising Guy Fawkes on November 4th , 1603, he was arrested at his hideout in the basement just below the British parliament , in which the 5th of november 1603 congress will be held in the building . Guy Fawkes was captured and executed by King James I as trying to kill her and considered a Catholic against Protestant rebels .

After centuries passed , Guy Fawkes actually known as a symbol of rebellion minorities form ( oppressed ) against British rule . Parliament bombing plan at the time was considered as an act of revolution in subduing the fascist government . But in the UK in 1606 after Guy Fawkes dies , the British government made ​​mandatory in celebration of the 5th of november as celebratory Bonfire Lighting , later known as Guy Fawkes Day , London England where residents set off fireworks , children’s home-home and asking for treats such as Halloween celebrations and burned an effigy of Guy Fawkes . But at this point , Guy Fawkes statue became a symbol of rebellion and revolution tuntuntan government by the people . In some countries like the United States and some European countries have occurred demonstrations phenomenon where people are protesting using Guy Fawkes mask . The action was triggered by the release of novel V for Vendetta in 1980 and later in the film it in 2005 . Since then the name of Guy Fawkes is increasingly recognized .


References : 



“If You Can Imagine it, You can achieve it. If You can dream it, you can become it.”

William Arthur Ward (1921–March 30, 1994),author of Fountains of Faith, is one of America’s most quoted writers of inspirational maxims.

More than 100 articles, poems and meditations written by Ward have been published in such magazines as Reader’s Digest, This Week, The Upper Room, Together, The Christian Advocate, The Adult Student, The Adult Teacher, The Christian Home, The Phi Delta Kappan, Science of Mind, The Methodist Layman, Sunshine, and Ideals.

His column Pertinent Proverbs has been featured in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram and in numerous service club publications throughout the United States and abroad. He is one of the most frequently quoted writers in the pages of Quote, the international weekly digest for public speakers.

“If You Can Ima…


Margaret Thatcher was Britain’s first female prime minister and served three consecutive terms in office. She was one of the dominant political figures of 20th century Britain, and “Thatcherism” continues to have a huge influence.

Born on October 13, 1925, in Grantham, England, Margaret Thatcher became Britain’s Conservative Party leader and in 1979 was elected prime minister, the first woman to hold the position. During her three terms, she cut social welfare programs, reduced trade union power and privatized certain industries. Thatcher resigned in 1991 due to unpopular policy and power struggles in her party. She died on April 8, 2013, at age 87.

Quotes from Iron Lady :

“One of the things being in politics has taught is that men are not a reasoned or reasonable sex.” – Margaret Thatcher

“We have to learn again to be one nation, or one day we shall be no nation.”

“Any woman who understands the problems of running a home will be nearer to understanding the problems of running a country.”

“I’ve got a woman’s ability to stick to a job and get on with it when everyone else walks off and leaves it.”

” You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it.”


Tatto dalam perspektif positif

Tatto dalam perspektif positif
